

August 2022
  1. I’m a Mac
January 2018
  1. Minecraft: inspiration from Hermitcraft
  2. Kindle Oasis
November 2017
  1. Minecraft: my new favourite game
  2. Mavis Podcast
June 2017
  1. Avatars 2.0: ready for Mixed Reality
  2. Fluent Design System Inspiration
May 2017
  1. Introducing Motion Controllers for Windows Mixed Reality
  2. Highlights from Build 2017
April 2017
  1. Project Scorpio: The Next Xbox
  2. Console Tabs Coming to Windows?
January 2017
  1. Mindfulness Meditation
  2. Will the “Surface Phone” be a foldable cellular PC?
  3. What is Mixed Reality?
  4. 2017: More Stuff
December 2016
  1. What’s in your bag? 2016
  2. What’s your every day carry? 2016
November 2016
  1. What’s next for Microsoft Sticky Notes?
October 2016
  1. Controlling the Xbox One S
  2. Surface Book
September 2016
  1. Uni 0.5mm Kuru Toga Slide Pipe
August 2016
  1. Upgrading to the Xbox One S
July 2016
  1. Sony MDR-EX750BT Headphones
June 2016
  1. Zebra Sharbo X ST3
  2. More Stationery Photos on Instagram
May 2016
  1. Sony MDR-100ABN Headphones
April 2016
  1. Xbox 360 Ends Production
  2. Sunrise at South Shields
  3. Cortana – Two Years Later
  4. Highlights from Build 2016
March 2016
  1. Microsoft Wireless Charging Plate
  2. Zebra Sharbo X LT3
  3. One Year of Field Notes
  4. Using Docker with Hyper-V: the easy way
February 2016
  1. How I use my Note Cards
  2. Jupiter and The Moon in February 2016
January 2016
  1. Analogue Note-Taking System for 2016
December 2015
  1. Two Weeks with Lumia 950 XL
  2. Interactive showdown: csi.exe verses fsi.exe
  3. Windows Server 2016 for Developers
  4. Two Weeks with Microsoft Band 2
  5. Launch PowerShell with AutoHotkey
November 2015
  1. Uni-ball Air
  2. Microsoft Future Vision 2015 – Redux
October 2015
  1. Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and The Moon in October 2015
September 2015
  1. Being productive on Windows 10
August 2015
  1. Wunderlist
  2. Using Cortana with a fake GPS driver on Windows 10
July 2015
  1. Sunrise at Whitby
June 2015
  1. KeySmart
  2. Field Notes
  3. Productivity Music
May 2015
  1. Highlights from Build 2015
April 2015
  1. Venus and The Moon in April 2015
  2. Kyoei Orions Grid Ruler
  3. Microsoft Future Vision 2015
March 2015
  1. Captivated by Her
February 2015
  1. Holographic Computing is Coming
January 2015
  1. Remote Desktop to the Cloud
  2. HP Stream 7
  3. Feeling Good with Microsoft Band
December 2014
  1. Waking Up with Light
November 2014
  1. One Week with Microsoft Band
  2. Using Microsoft Band in the UK
October 2014
  1. Initial thoughts on the Windows 10 Technical Preview
  2. Jetstream Prime
  3. Lumia 630
  4. Windows 10 has an improved Console
  5. Windows 10 Technical Preview
September 2014
  1. Is this the end of HealthVault?
August 2014
  1. Cortana comes to the UK
July 2014
  1. How I like to Study
June 2014
  1. String Hashing in F#
May 2014
  1. Full Moon in May 2014
  2. Watching Gravity on Xbox Video
  3. Running JAR applications on Windows without installing the Java Virtual Machine
  4. Using Windows Reading List
April 2014
  1. Hi, Cortana!
  2. Wacom Bamboo Stylus for Surface Pro
  3. Will Neovim rock on Windows?
  4. Mars and The Moon in April 2014
  5. It’s a great time to be a Microsoft-focused software developer
  6. What’s your every day carry? 2014 Edition
  7. What’s in your bag? 2014 Edition
March 2014
  1. Using LEDs for Monitor Back Lighting
  2. Tracking Health & Fitness with Windows
  3. Kielder Aurora in February 2014
February 2014
  1. Fitbit One
  2. My Multi-Tools
  3. Knomo Kilkenny bag for Microsoft Surface
January 2014
  1. Windows 8.1 – Ultrawide Multitasking
  2. The Best PC is not always The Best PC
December 2013
  1. Venus and The Moon in December 2013
November 2013
  1. Windows Phone’s Driving Mode
  2. Surface Pro 2: Development Workstation
September 2013
  1. Surface 2 & Surface Pro 2
August 2013
  1. Jupiter and The Moon in August 2013
  2. Lightning in Slow Motion
July 2013
  1. Windows 8.1 on the 2008 MacBook
June 2013
  1. Installing Windows RT 8.1 Preview on Surface RT in the UK
  2. Astronomy Every Day Carry
  3. Full Moon in June 2013
May 2013
  1. Jupiter, Mercury and Venus in May 2013
  2. The Great Pencil Debate
  3. Uni 2mm Field Lead Holder
  4. Uni 0.5mm Kuru Toga Roulette
  5. Goodbye, Pokéject
  6. iPad is all about the apps
  7. Metro vs. Your Own Design Language
April 2013
  1. Snaps of the Sun with the Lumia 920
  2. York Comet Spotting in April 2013
March 2013
  1. Using Windows 8 (without Touch)
  2. Kielder Forest Star Camp March 2013
February 2013
  1. Extending the Surface Power Supply
January 2013
  1. Clouds, my lifes work
  2. The Death of Outlook & Exchange for Task Management
December 2012
  1. Jupiter and The Moon on Christmas Day 2012
  2. Kindle Paperwhite
November 2012
  1. Leonid Meteor Shower at Kielder in November 2012
  2. Microsoft Touch Mouse
  3. Two Weeks with Microsoft Surface
  4. Uni Sign Pens
  5. Scarborough Astronomy in November 2012
October 2012
  1. Thorner’s Dark Skies in October 2012
  2. Kielder Forest Star Camp October 2012
September 2012
  1. The ‘Metro Inspired’ Interface
  2. Photosynthesise
  3. Surface for Windows 8 Pro
August 2012
  1. Uni 2mm Lead Holder
  2. International Space Station over Leeds in August 2012
July 2012
  1. All-Ett Wallets
  2. Using Windows 7
  3. Digital Junk
  4. These Vizio PCs look fantastic
June 2012
  1. Microsoft Surface for Windows RT
  2. Microsoft the Hardware Company
  3. Controlling the Xbox 360
  4. Transit of Venus 2012
  5. Through the Eyepiece
May 2012
  1. Astronomy Photos in May 2012
  2. Plane Crossing The Sun
  3. Using the Xbox 360
  4. Computers for 2012 and beyond
  5. Full Moon in May 2012
  6. The York Astronomical Society 40th Anniversary
April 2012
  1. Five Things: Comics
  2. Five Things: Games
  3. Five Things: Movies
  4. Five Things: Albums
  5. Five Things: Books
  6. Uni Brush Pens
  7. I Just Wish You Were Mine (Sample)
  8. Emma’s Video Game Reviews
  9. Fire in Slow Motion
  10. Photographing the colours of a star’s twinkle
March 2012
  1. Astrolight 1.2 Update
  2. New Moon in March 2012
  3. Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse
  4. Mars and The Moon in March 2012
  5. Think Visibility March 2012
February 2012
  1. Jupiter, Venus and The Moon in February 2012
  2. How I Use A Mouse
  3. What’s your every day carry?
  4. The ‘Real’ Windows 8 Logo
  5. What’s in your bag?
  6. Style Fit Meister 3
  7. PowerShell Metro
  8. Still Missing in Task Managment for Windows Phone Mango
  9. Microsoft Future Vision
  10. What playing Pokémon has taught me about myself
January 2012
  1. White Tea as an alternative to Green Tea
  2. Stargazing Live in York January 2012
  3. Objects: My Notebooks
  4. The Moon, Jupiter and Venus in January 2012
December 2011
  1. Astrolight 1.1 Update for Windows Phone Mango
  2. Objects: My Camera
  3. Objects: My Watch
  4. R2-D2 is the best Star Wars character
  5. Jupiter in December 2011
November 2011
  1. Jupiter in November 2011
October 2011
  1. Kielder Forest Star Camp October 2011
  2. Angry Birds Kid
September 2011
  1. The Moon and Jupiter in September 2011
  2. Windows 8 on a MacBook (for now)
August 2011
  1. Better Lighting for your Computer with F.lux
  2. Half Moon in August 2011
  3. Rain in Slow Motion
  4. The Moon with Saturn in August 2011
  5. Clouds
  6. Why the HP G62 is Horrible
  7. Bluetooth Improvements in Windows Phone Mango
  8. Weekend Sky Photos
July 2011
  1. Windows Phone Mango Startup Time
  2. Experimental Rain Timelapse
  3. Task Management in Windows Phone Mango
  4. Note Taking in Windows Phone Mango
  5. Using Hair Bands to Keep Things Tidy
  6. Keeping Mobile Charging Cables Organised
  7. Querying TFS with TFPT.EXE and PowerShell
June 2011
  1. Fix for Italic Fonts in Windows Command Prompt
  2. Sharpie Pen & Liquid Pencil
  3. Outlook Tasks in PowerShell and Vim
  4. Writing and Running F# Scripts with Vim
  5. Setting up Vim to work with PowerShell
  6. Storing my Pens and Pencils
  7. Things in Black and White
  8. New Moon in June 2011
  9. Windows 8 must have a .NET story for the new UI
May 2011
  1. Build your own Astrolight app
  2. TouchStudio for Windows Phone 7
  3. Office Life Timelapse
  4. Five Favourite Visual Studio 2010 Extensions
  5. Does Green Tea Give Me Migraines?
April 2011
  1. Pokéject 1.1 Released
  2. Yorkshire Three Peaks
  3. Blogging at B3Labs
  4. Creating Pokéject for Windows Phone 7
  5. Trouble installing NoDo?
  6. Pokéject 1.0 Released
March 2011
  1. Paper Mate Flexgrip Elite Retractable
  2. Freezy Timelapse
  3. Kielder Forest Star Camp
February 2011
  1. My Favourite Pen Collection
  2. Principles and actions for Metro apps
  3. Application Bar changes coming in Windows Phone 7
  4. Photographing Jupiter
  5. Download xsd.exe
  6. Microsoft’s Web Platform Installer
  7. Too much codes?
  8. Windy Timelapse
January 2011
  1. Ford Bluetooth
  2. A Timelapse at Night
  3. Windows Phone Development
December 2010
  1. Rechargeable Batteries
  2. Posting from anywhere!
  3. Google’s next Android music app
  4. Welcome