Using Hair Bands to Keep Things Tidy

Some of the more observant may have noticed that the cables in my last post were fairly tidy - and kept together by a black band.

The thing I use to keep stuff like this together is hair bands… bit of a strange thing to use – you may think – but I’ve tried using elastic bands (look horrid, feel horrid) and plastic tie wraps (permanent, big) and a few other potential solutions, but one day I decided to try using simple black hair bands from Superdrug and it worked really well.

I keep them tucked away inside a small mesh case by MUJI which is much more convenient than just wrapping them around each other like I used to do. By having a supply of them I always know that I can quickly tidy things away without having to think about it.

Thanks to the stretchy nature of hair bands, they can be used to keep all kinds of things organised such as cables, belts and accessories, small notebooks, and much more. Always keep in mind that they are not the strongest thing in the world, so do not try to stretch them out too much!