2017: More Stuff

I don’t tend to do the “blogging about blogging” thing very often, and I’m not keen to get into a situation where I am regularly apologising for not publishing often enough… but I have not been publishing often enough.

It is a bit sad to look at the amount of unfinished articles I have in OneNote, some which were good enough for publishing but just weren’t for whatever reason.

At the end of 2016 I had 25 unpublished drafts, and only 22 published articles. Ouch.

I have no delusions of grandeur, and the primary reason I write is for myself, but unpublished drafts are no good for anyone.

So here I am stating for the public record that I am going to write and publish more content over the next 12 months.

A weblog on life with technology

The original premise for this website was “A weblog on life with technology” and it was a platform for me to express my thoughts about using technology in all aspects of life. I’d like to get back to that core vision and publish more of my thoughts – whatever they are – in a timely way.

As I look back at some of the things I wrote a decade ago I can see how my thinking has changed along with the technology landscape. The old content (some of which I’ll dig out for future articles) produced an interesting mix of feelings as I looked through it.

I want to look back on this year’s content in a decade and have the same feelings of “did I really write that rubbish?” and “wow I can see the start of some big changes!”

So expect more stuff from me in 2017. (Just don’t expect it all to be great.)